If allopathic medicine (the scientific, evidence-based medical body prevalent in Western nations and in Europe) recognized the theories, cultural, philosophical and ideals of many of the medical systems, therapies and procedures found in alternative medicine, we would indeed, have a truly complete and nearly-infallable health-care system.
Briefly, What Is Alternative Medicine and Allopathic Medicine?
The term alternative medicine refers to any medical modality or system that has not been proven by science or if it has, proven positive for ineffectiveness, unreliable and/or harmful. Those modalities which are generally in use in allopathic medicine but not inducted into the system are known as complimentary medicine. Due to the nature of most of these, we will include them with alternative medicine in our little study here.
"Alternative medicine" is a term coined in retrospect to allopathic medicine referring to many systems which have been in use for centuries, and in some cases, since prehistoric times. The term is of fairly recent origin and, of course, includes modalities which have come into existence in comparatively recent times. We will now delve into our study here.
Alternative Medicine in Theory and How This Compares to Allopathic Medicine
Most of the modalities in alternative medicine share a common trait - they tend to be holistic - in other words, in treatment and therapies, they are concerned with the whole being. This is one of the greatest strengths of these health care systems and therapies. In treatment practitioners tend to spend much longer in consultation with the patient discussing his lifestyle and how the ailment may have originated. This process takes in the physical, spiritual and emotional aspects in the life of the patient. Treatment tends to be personal, suited to the needs of the patient and pin points the causes of the ailment. The practitioner addresses the underlying problem after a thorough analysis of these things.
This is not so in allopathic medicine. Treatment begins with consideration of the symptoms the patient is having and in many cases, emphasis is placed on treating these rather than digging down to the cause. In essence, this is exactly what "allopathic" means. Coined by Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathic medicine, he noted the tendency of modern medicine to treat symptoms rather than the disease, hence "allo," from the Greek, allos - "other" + "pathy" (or pathos in Greek,) meaning "suffering." In allopathic medicine, treatment tends to be standardized, brief, and impersonal. Treatment is also highly specialized in that it narrows down to specific symptoms and has a maze of departments, each of which concerns itself with a specific region of the physical body.
Albeit the strength of allopathic medicine is the weakness of most modalities in alternative medicine. Allopathic medicine is backed by scientific research and is the backbone of everything done within, from the initial consultation to discharge from services. Alternative medicine has never adhered so adamantly to scientific methodology and is therefore highly variant from modality to modality and even within each of these. Healing in far more cases comes about through the placebo effect in many of the modalities and as a result, though a fair amount of therapies through alternative medicine are effective and efficacious, some processes are faulty and downright harmful.
Okay, What's the Punch-Line Here - Alternative Medicine or Allopathic Medicine?
Both are highly valuable in health-care. Albeit due to rigorous scientific support and the incredible degree of technology found in allopathic medicine, this should always be the first in the line of consultation, especially in all medical emergencies and issues where lives are in serious danger due to accidents, disease or any other physical malady.
Many of the modalities in alternative medicine stress good health and lifestyles that would promote this. Allopathic medicine tends to leave this detail out and health education comes down to each individual in the societies which this medical system is found. Often a modality in alternative health embrace philosophies and cultures that reflect their societies as a rule which includes holistic health and wholesome living.
In many cases continued and long-term therapy in allopathic medicine can be complimented and, in some cases, replaced altogether with a treatment or therapy in alternative medicine. Pain management through hypnotherapy rather than chemical-based therapy is a prime example and in certain circumstances this will be cleared by your regular physician.
Daniel Euergetes is working hard to helping you rise above mediocrity and reach more satisfactory and more fulfilling planes in living. One of the ways this is done is through education and appropriate resources.
For the health arena, Daniel invites you to check out your alternatives by visiting http://alternativehealthsolutionsmd.com. Here you will find vast resources and answers to your questions about your health options.
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