Saturday, April 28, 2012
Arizer Extreme Q Digital Vaporizer
The revolutionary Cyclone Bowl stands vertically allowing the air to be distributed evenly and efficiently for full flavor and potency. The ceramic heating element is able to reach vaporizing temperatures within 2 minutes and includes precise temperature control with triple heat sensors. Manufactured in Canada, each unit comes with a Lifetime Warranty that covers any defect related to the heating element. There is also an Auto Shut Off Timer with 2 or 4 hour settings. The Extreme Q has been recently re-designed with a more compact design, new midnight chrome finish, quieter fan and is 50% more energy efficient.
Extreme Q Features:
* Dual Functionality - Balloon Bag or Whip Attachment
* Remote Control for Convenient Use
* New Quieter Fan
* New Midnight Chrome Finish
* More Compact Design
* New Clear View LCD Screen
* Fast Heat Ceramic Heating Element
* Precise Temperature Control with Triple Heat Sensors
* Redesigned with Solid State Circuitry
* 50% More Energy Efficient
Extreme Q Accessories (Included):
* Instruction Manual
* Food-Grade Vinyl Tubing
* 2 Mouthpieces
* Detachable Balloon System with 2 Balloon Kits
* Balloon Whip Attachment
* Potpourri/Oil Dish (Aromatherapy Bowl)
* Glass Cyclone Bowl
* Glass Stir Tool
* Additional Replacement Screens
* Remote Control
Price: $249.00
Click here to buy from Amazon
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Facts About Hemp
Hemp is a largely misunderstood and underutilized plant that is found the world over. It was actually one of the very first plants that man cultivated. It is also one of the most versatile and useful plants ever grown. Hemp is also known as Cannabis or Cannabis Sativa and has been previously used for millennia in Egypt and China as medicine.
The plant and its advocates have been criticized for the indulgent use of higher tetrahychlorocannabinol concentration plants by some people who dry or compress hemp into marijuana and hashish. Because of this, attempts to make hemp gain respect in the worldwide market have been thwarted by its critics. People should note however that industrial grade hemp has a lot less TCE in it which makes it useless as a psychoactive substance.
This versatile plant has been used for a very long time to do things like make clothes, paper, medicine, ropes and fuel in different parts of the world. Before petroleum became a major fuel source, most lamp oil was made from hemp seed.
Irrespective of how a minor part of the human population may abuse different forms of hemp, the truth is that it is very useful when it is used for industrial reasons.
Hemp Fabric.
People have been using hemp to make things such as clothing, rope as well as canvas fabrics for a very long time. Before the industrial revolution came most of the textiles that were worn at the time had their origins in the hemp plant. Fabrics that are made from hemp are a whole lot stronger, durable and longer lasting than a lot of other materials. The same thing goes for their durability and insulating properties. Hemp fibers may also last up to three times longer than cotton fibers. Most hemp materials were usually made of coarser fibers in the past but advances in plant breeding have created a fabric that is softer and finer in nature and also equally capable of making durable and long-lasting clothing material.
Its Medicinal Uses.
Some people have abused the use of high TCE-containing hemp products in order to make "feel good" drugs. The truth remains however that in many parts of the world, the hemp flower has been used to make medicinal products for years. Since it is also rich in nutritional fats and vitamins it is also used to make balms, slaves and nutritional supplements. A lot of over-the-counter drugs may contain some form of hemp be it in flowers, seeds or oils. One benefit that can be derived from using hemp in medicine is that it causes no allergies. No cases of death, overdosing or allergic reactions have been documented in the case of hemp and hemp products.
Industrial hemp is legal to grow in 29 countries of the world, and exempt from strict international drug treaties and laws but the United States continues to forbid the general production of hemp plants and products on its own soil. This is despite the positive nature of its many benefits. A number of growers are permitted to grow hemp plants in the U.S but this is under strict regulations. Other countries such as Canada which shares a border with the U.S, has a liberal policy concerning the growth of the lower TCE-breed plant for industrial purposes.
Guy Starbuck is a Super Geek and Health Phreak who writes for, and
Saturday, April 21, 2012
From Sanctification to Demonization - A Short History of Hemp Products in America
Until the 20th century, there was no debate about the value of hemp and its derivatives. They used paper made from hemp to print the King James Bible and cloth made from hemp to sew the American flag. Doctors routinely prescribed medicines made from hemp oil to treat a variety of illnesses. Although the plant was freely available and the authorities actually encouraged its cultivation, there was never a drug problem, real or imagined, associated with its use. What changed and why?
The beginning of the end came for both hemp fiber and medical marihuana in 1930 with the formation of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. During his first years of tenure, the director of the FBN, Harry J. Anslinger was more interested in creating and enforcing laws related to the distribution and use of opiates. In 1934, however, he changed his tune and under his orders, the FBN began an extensive anti-marijuana propaganda program.
There are several theories about why Anslinger made marijuana the focus of his War on Drugs when there were addictive drugs like heroin that logically would have made better targets. One of the strongest theories revolves around the fact that hemp as an industrial cash crop was threatening the interests of the Dupont Corporation and William Randolph Hearst. Dupont had a monopoly on producing the chemicals necessary for making paper from trees but no investment in the rapidly growing hemp paper industry. Hearst, who had a huge financial stake in timber forests and paper mills, was concerned about competition from hemp paper manufacturers.
Be that as it may, the lurid stories of depravity and violence that the Hearst newspapers and other media published during this period had their desired effect and the remarkable medicinal qualities of marijuana became completely overshadowed by its imagined dangers. The government passed the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 with little difficulty, thanks largely to its successful cannabis smear campaign. With the added burden of a heavy tax, hemp became too expense to produce as an industrial crop and the outlawing of its distribution made it impossible to legally use for medical purposes. From there, it was just a short step to criminalizing its use for any purpose whatsoever.
The first three decades of the 1900's were bad years for medical marijuana in other ways, as well. The 1908 Flexner Report recommended that only schools that taught allopathic medicine and biomedicine (theoretical medicine) be allowed to offer university degrees in the medical sciences. As a result, by 1935, the number of medical schools in America halved and the teaching and study of plant based medicines virtually ended. In effect, the Flexner Report led to the sanctification of the pharmaceutical industry and the relegation of plant-based medicine to the realm of ineffective "folk medicine."
In spite of numerous scientific studies and case histories that prove that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, is the most effective treatment for cancer in the world, the campaign against it continues relentlessly. In the meantime, millions of people needlessly continue to suffer and die. The treatments sanctified by the government, the American Cancer Society and the medical establishment are brutal and ineffective, yet they continue to dig in their heels and deny the facts. When will compassion and reason replace hysteria? Visit our site to learn more about this natural cancer treatment.
You don't have to poison your body with chemo and radiation. Visit our site to learn about an alternative, natural and holistic approach to the treatment of cancer.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Volcano T-shirt
We have all sizes of Volcano T-Shirts. Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL; men's and women's. Specify size on checkout.
Made in Germany. High Quality T-Shirt. A Classic.
Click here to buy from Amazon
Saturday, April 14, 2012
VAPECASE Kush Series Custom Soft Case fits the Volcano Vaporizer
The ONE AND ONLY VOLCANO BAG VAPECASE only for VAPECASE. Comes in a variety of colors.
Click here to buy from Amazon
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Marijuana and Cancer - Governmental Arrogance Buries Viable Cancer Therapies
It seems that nearly everyone in government fancies himself superior to the rest of us in knowledge and judgment. There is no telling how much beneficial, not to mention vital, research and knowledge have been lost as a result of the arrogant whims of the few who consider themselves the elite among us, simply on the basis of having engineered themselves into a position of power. A depressing example of this arrogance is reflected in the fiasco surrounding research into the medical benefits of marijuana.
Way back in 1974, the National Institute of Health funded research at Medical College of Virginia. Their mission was to prove the contention that marijuana damages the immune system. In funding this research, the NIH was destined to be roundly disappointed - they effectively shot themselves in the foot. Rather than receiving confirmation and supporting evidence of their contention, the NIH people were annoyed to learn that the MCV researchers found instead, that THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, undeniably slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice.
Since this failed miserably in bolstering the government's case against marijuana, in their view the most noxious of all weeds, and in fact proved just the opposite, the DEA came charging into the fray, banners flying, trumpets blaring. They shut down the Virginia study along with all other cannabis tumor research.
Not to be outdone in the public assault on a useful albeit often misused plant and substance, President Gerald Ford got on the bandwagon in 1976, and put an end to all cannabis research while simultaneously granting that right exclusively to the maniacally delighted pharmaceutical industry.
Then again, in 1983, in accommodation to intense lobbying and reception of massive campaign contributions, the Reagan/Bush administration tried hard to persuade American Universities and researchers to destroy all of the 1966-76 cannabis research work, including compendiums in libraries. They were partially successful. Large amounts of information have disappeared.
But all this negative effort is like trying to hold back the dawn. The facts keep cropping up in spite of the best efforts of vested interests to bury them. In February of 2000, another confirmation of marijuana's cancer fighting abilities came out of Madrid. Researchers there had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC. This confirmed the earlier Virginia study.
The news of this discovery has been virtually non-existent in the United States. The New York Times ignored the story. So did the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times. These papers receive major advertising revenues from the pharmaceutical industry, which by the way, employs two lobbyists for each and every member of congress.
As public pressure to allow the use of medicinal marijuana continues to build, more and more politicians are being induced to taking a closer look at the facts. Its strong support by patients and medical professionals is beginning to be felt. More and more states are adopting compassionate laws toward medicinal marijuana as many patients clamor for the substance to relieve the symptoms and side effects of chemo.
The nausea, vomiting, pain, and insomnia that are typically a consequence of conventional cancer therapy, cripple a patient's quality of life. Marijuana, smoked, vaporized, infused in teas, or baked in foods, can dramatically restore a patient's place in the world. Noting this has induced the entire oncology community to endorse its use.
The pharmaceutical companies, hard pressed to compete against this tidal wave of sentiment, have isolated the active compound in marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrolcanabinol, THC, and made a synthetic version of it available by prescription. But it doesn't work nearly as well as plain old marijuana, it doesn't work at all on some people, it takes from 45 minutes to 2 hours to take effect when it does work, and it will set a patient back about $ 800.00 a month. Not really a good alternative.
Medicinal marijuana is not without its own side effects. Anxiety, drowsiness, dry mouth, slow reaction times, and loss of short term memory are among them. Patients using this substance for medicinal purposes will experience varying side effects. Everyone reacts differently to its use and it is very important to buy marijuana from an authorized source. Other drugs or harmful substances are often added by unscrupulous criminal dealers.
Doctors treating cancer patients are in critical need to be kept informed of all drugs taken by their patients, including marijuana, over-the-counter, prescription, or homeopathic remedies. It's very important to keep in mind that marijuana, at this point, is not a form of treatment and is not curative. It is used only to treat cancer symptoms like pain, and to relieve the side effects of treatment.
Fourteen states have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana. They are: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. Each state has its own rules and regulations regarding its use and these need to be complied with. Most states require registration with supporting documentation and certification by a physician. This should by no means be construed as an endorsement for the indiscriminate use of marijuana. The substance has some very serious negative side effects and needs to be treated like any other drug. If you don't need it, stay away from it.
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Monday, April 9, 2012
Uses of Medical Marijuana
Medical research indicates that medical marijuana and smoked cannabis reduce neuropathic pain and improve the calorie intake in patients who suffer from reduced muscle mass as well as muscle spasticity that is commonly observed in serious and irreversible auto-immune disorders like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). These medical properties have gradually lead to the large scale clinical research and development of a large number of cannabinoid-based medicines as well as other alternate delivery methods
Medical Marijuana and Cancer
Cannabis is known to reduce the sensation of extreme nausea and pain that affects all chemotherapy patients. Medical practitioners of integrative oncology and healthcare providers prescribe MMJ to induce sound sleep and stimulate appetite. MMJ not only helps patients manage their symptoms but also has a beneficial antitumor property.
Medical Marijuana and Arthritis
Over 31 million Americans are afflicted with either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis that affect the joints, resulting in swelling and pain that restricts normal movement. Right from the 1700s, cannabis has been used in Western medicine for the treatment of muscular pains due to its immune-modulation, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Research indicates that it is highly effective when used to treat extremely painful conditions that include, but are not limited to degenerative joint, hip, and connective tissue disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. It can also be used as a supplemental form of therapy that enhances the effectiveness of opium-based painkillers and NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). MMJ reduces joint inflammation and morning stiffness when is metabolized by the body in its Cannabidiol form.
Medical Marijuana and Multiple Sclerosis
Nearly 350,000 Americans currently suffer from the painful and debilitating medical disorder known as MS (Multiple Sclerosis). This neurological disease is known to affect people between the age groups of 20 to 40 and occurs more commonly in women. The symptomatology of this disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) varies on a case-by-case basis and some of the commonly observed symptoms include increased muscle spasticity that results in loss of function, pain, spasms, etc. An estimated 4% of the patient population who use MMJ have experienced tremendous relief from their symptoms as cannabis is known to reduce muscle spasticity and tremors. It also has a positive effect by slowing the autoimmune attack that is the underlying pathogenic process in this painful condition. MMJ affects the CNS and motor systems and helps people develop better bladder control, helps them regain their balance, speech, and eyesight.
Colorado is one of the states that has legalized Medical Marijuana for use as a medicine. For more information visit the website of Kind Love Medical Marijuana Dispensary located in Denver, CO. You can submit your questions about Medical Marijuana to an MMJ expert at the Kind Love Dispensary
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Kia Vaporizer
Click here to buy from Amazon
Monday, April 2, 2012
The Health Benefits of Ingesting Rather Than Smoking Alternative Medicine
The most common way of using medical marijuana is by smoking it, yet there are healthier and more effective ways of experiencing its benefits. It is a little known fact that marijuana can also be ingested. In this article various alternative methods to smoking medical marijuana including ways of ingesting and vaporizing are explored. We will also look at some health damaging side effects of smoking.
When compared with smoking, ingesting offers the biggest advantage of preventing dangerous carcinogenic chemicals and tar from entering the body's respiratory system. Besides, smoking cannabis results in an extensive loss of other cannabinoids and THC due to their decomposition at high temperature. But, when it is ingested, a much higher percentage of the active ingredients or constituents enter the body. Ingesting marijuana is healthier for you, the only disadvantage being that ingestion is not a cost-effective option because relatively larger amount of medical marijuana is required to boost its effectiveness. But, the overall high that preparations infused with marijuana creates last longer and is also stronger.
Medical Marijuana dispensaries suggest that there are several ways of ingesting marijuana by mixing it with either a solid or a liquid base. THC from the bud and the fibers of the plant can be absorbed by the digestive system. However, it cannot be release unless it binds to alcohol or a fatty acid as it is a fat soluble component. Liquids like water, soda, ethyl or grain alcohol, or lemonade can be used. Though even cannabis tea that is made by brewing marijuana with tea leaves is mildly psychoactive, these water based infusions are not very effective because the water solubility of THC is low due to its lipophilic nature.
The solid base that is used when cannabis is cooked includes butter, oil, lard, or other fat. Hashed brown potatoes, brownies, cookies, pancakes, and other baked products enable the oral consumption of marijuana.
Cannabis vaporizers comprise flame filter and vaporization pipes and when the marijuana is heated in them, the active ingredients in it get evaporated instead of burning up that happens when it is smoked. Depending on the design of the vaporizer, lower proportion of toxic chemicals and carbon monoxide are released.
One of the latest cannabis products are flavored medicated suckers that use high quality THC, CBN, and CBD and are made using hash oil and ethanol extracts. These contain more than 30 mg THC and 6 to 7 mg CBD.
Discover the benefits of medical cannabis at the Blog of Denver, CO Medical Marijuana Dispensary Kind Love. Get answers to your Medical Marijuana questions from a MMJ expert at the Marijuana Dispensary Kind Love.